
Monday, May 13, 2013

万能清洁液  SETZEN GE-Multipurpose Cleaner

SETZEN 万能清洁液乃温和的碱性清洁剂,含植物成份如大豆、糖和椰子衍生物,含酸柑与柠檬清香的少泡沫清洁液。保护双手,不会导致皮肤敏感。适合户内和户外使用。

适用于  :
·         玻璃、镜子、金属、皮革、乙烯基、合成橡胶表面、不锈钢等
·         厨房及地板的油渍
·         地毯及衣物上的顽固锈渍
·         墙壁上的涂鸦

特点  :
·         具生物化解素
·         无毒素
·         无燃性
·         有助环保
·         不损害皮肤及清洁物表层

使用法  : 
10 毫升的万能清洁液倒入1 公升清水内,搅匀即可使用。

Setzen GE multipurpose cleaner is a mild-alkaline cleaner; it is derived from plant
based ingredients such as soy, sugar and coconut. It is mildly scented with lime-lemon
fragrance and formulated with less lather. It protects hand and suitable for sensitive
skin. It can be used for almost all indoor and outdoor cleanings.

It may help to:
• Clean glass, mirror, metal, plastic, vinyl, synthetic rubber, stainless steel and other surfaces.
• Clean greased kitchen and floor
• Clean stubborn stains on carpet and laundry
• Vanish sketches on the walls

万能清洁液  SETZEN GE-Multipurpose Cleaner   :     1 Liter
会员价   :   RM21.00       (  6 PV  )
零售价   :   RM25.00

    *   在一个月内购买100 PV 瑞翔产品,公司将回酬30%

 请联络   :   William Yeo
                     1st FL, 5 Blk A, King’s Centre, 93350, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
                     082-463621  /  016-8662062


灵芝洁 Gano Fresh

Gano Fresh

Introducing the first Enriched Lifestyle toothpaste.

Bring the touch of enriched living to every part of your day with this tasty, healthful toothpaste. Teeth shine and gums sing when Gano Fresh comes around! Refreshingly non-abrasive, this new concept in toothpaste will leave you all smiles -- all day!
  • Gentle cleansing for enamel and gums
  • Fluoride free, all-natural mint flavor
  • 200+ trace nutrients make a healthier, happier you
Sorbitol, Glycerin, Silica, Powder, Purified Water, Sodium Lauryl Sarcosinate, Mint flavor, Xanthum Gum, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Sodium Saccharin, Ganoderma Lucidum Extract, Methyl Paraben, Brilliant Blue, Quinoline Yellow.

灵芝洁   Gano Fresh

保健效益  :
·         防止牙龈出血
·         防止牙垢滋长
·         防止口腔异味、牙菌斑及预防蛀牙
·         加强牙齿珐琅质及牙龈

灵芝洁   Gano Fresh  :    150gm

会员价   :   RM13.50       (  6 PV  )
零售价   :   RM15.50

   *   在一个月内购买100 PV 瑞翔产品,公司将回酬30%

 请联络   :   William Yeo

                     1st FL, 5 Blk A, King’s Centre, 93350, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

                     082-463621  /  016-8662062

灵芝羊奶香皂 Gano Soap

Gano Soap

Experience a new whole-body nourishment...

Fusing Ganoderma Lucidum extract and pure Goat's Milk, Gano Soap does more than clean your skin: it makes you new again. Whole-body revitalization meets pure zest in this powerful little package.

  • Easy on sensitive skin and children
  • Enriched with Ganoderma, Vitamin E and minerals for whole-body revitalization
  • Ideal pH balance ensures you'll glow all day long

Ganoderma Lucidum Extract, Goat's Milk.

灵芝羊奶香皂   Gano Soap

卓越功效 :
·         卸除死皮细胞、预防肌肤干燥
·         平衡肌肤酸碱值
·         柔化及增加肌肤弹性
·         防止暗疮,汗斑及皮肤敏感

灵芝羊奶香皂 :   100g  x  2
会员价   :   RM21.90       (  12 PV  )
零售价   :   RM25.90

    *   在一个月内购买100 PV 瑞翔产品,公司回酬30%

 请联络   :   William Yeo

                    1st FL, 5 Blk A, King’s Centre, 93350, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
                    082-462631  /  016-8662062

劲康宝 SAKANNO ( Tongkat Ali 东革阿里 )


Staying-power, all day and all of the night.

Panax, Tongkat Ali and Ganoderma Lucidum come together for a vitality-boosting experience you won't soon forget. The product of years of intense research, Gano Excel™ Sakanno was specifically engineered to bring you back to the full flush of life -- and love. Sakanno will help you along to a truly earth-moving experience!

Sakanno is not recommended for children.

劲康宝   SAKANNO    (  提升体力、消除疲劳  )

劲康宝及采用纯正传统草药独脚莲 ( Tongkat Ali 东革阿里 ) 神奇的仙草灵芝精华所配制。劲康宝配方具有补气行血功能,帮助血气运行,有效治倦怠乏力与精神不振。

东革阿里,是生长在马来西亚,越南,泰国及印尼森林的一种野生灌木植物,被用来医治疾病,血压高,发烧,减轻疲劳,增进食欲,功能障碍及不育的传统药方。在越南,东革阿里也被称为 Cay Ba Binh,代表可医治百病树木的意思。

东革阿里的专业研究 :




70年代初期,几间医药研究所已经找出了恶性疟原虫疾病的解药,恶性疟原虫疾病是四种疟疾之一。恶性疟原虫疟疾非常危险而且可导致死亡。不象其他疟疾,恶性疟原虫疟疾并无法用普通的抗疟疾药物所医治。在1997年,医药研究院Dr. GimlettleThomson成功的研究表示东革阿里可以有效的医治所有疟疾包括恶性疟原虫疟疾。

保健效益 :
·            提升体力与精力并消除疲劳
·            促进血液循环、减低腰膝酸痛
·            改善风湿痛和关节症状
·            舒缓神经系统
·            促进男性的活力

劲康宝以100% 天然草药配制,完全不含防腐剂且毫无副作用。

SAKANNO   劲康宝  :    60  /   30
会员价   30’s   :   RM41.50         (  25 PV  )
                60’s   :   RM78.00         (  52 PV  )
零售价   30’s   :   RM47.50
                 60’s   :   RM93.00

  *   在一个月内购买100 PV 瑞翔产品,公司将回酬30%

 请联络            :   William Yeo

                              1st FL, 5 Blk A, King’s Centre, 93350, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
                              082-463621  /  016-8662062

灵芝美白皂  Gano Transparent Soap


保健效益  :

·         更深入洁净肌肤

·         保持健康亮丽的肌肤

·         改善干燥、敏感及问题肌肤

·         美白与淡化老人斑

Gano Transparent Soap

Gano Transparent Soap is produced from Ganoderma lucidum extract, aloe vera
and papaya. It gives extra moisturizing effects after cleansing as well as whitens and
rejuvenates the skin. For better results, use G’Beaute Skin Care Series for moisturizing

It may help to:
• Deep cleanse the skin
• Balance the skin’s moisture and brighten your complexion
• Overcome skin dryness, sensitive skin

灵芝美白皂  :   100 gm

会员价   :   RM29.90       (  12 PV  )

零售价   :   RM35.90


     *   在一个月内购买100 PV 瑞翔产品,公司将回酬30%


请联络   :   William Yeo

                    1st FL, 5 Blk A, King’s Centre, 93350, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

                    082-462631  /  016-8662062

芝美丽沐浴乳  G’Beaute Shower Gel

灵芝精华及蜂皇浆精华 -  完美的组合


灵芝富含保护及抗氧化的有效元素。它帮助  :

·      刺激皮肤新陈代谢

·      平衡皮肤酸碱值

·      促进皮肤细胞再生

·      防止皮肤敏感及过敏

·      为皮肤提供持久的深层保湿功能

蜂皇浆含有丰富的多种营养,尤其是维他命B 和泛酸,可以迅速滋润肌肤。它也帮助  :

·      为皮肤提供额外保湿

·      滋润及刺激肌肤再生

·      防止皮肤粗糙及干燥

·      刺激胶原蛋白的形成以及促进皮肤弹性


芝美丽沐浴乳   G’Beaute Shower Gel  :   1000ml

会员价   :   RM34.00        (  10 PV  )

零售价   :   RM51.00


    *   在一个月内购买100 PV 瑞翔产品,公司将回酬30%


请联络   :   William Yeo

                     1st FL, 5 Blk A, King’s Centre, 93350, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

                     082-463621  /  016-8662062

灵芝摩卡咖啡 GanoCafe Mocha

Ganocafé™ Mocha

Mocha Has Never Made You Feel So Good

Indulge in a sinfully chocolatey mocha – without the sin. Ganocafé Mocha brings smooth coffee and rich chocolate together with an herbal booster that gives you all the flavor with none of the guilt.

  • Rich chocolate & bold black coffee
  • Convenient single-serving sachets
  • Suffused with nutrients and antioxidants
  • All the reward, none of the guilt

灵芝摩卡咖啡   GanoCafe Mocha

灵芝摩卡咖啡  :    15包庄
会员价   :   RM18.90      (  10 PV  )
零售价   :   RM22.90

   *   在一个月内购买100 PV 瑞翔产品,公司将回酬30%

 请联络   :   William Yeo

                    1st FL, 5 Blk A, King’s Centre, 93350, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
                    082-462631  /  016-8662062